Our guiding principle is The World Health Organization's definition of health.

"A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"

Our work is in line with the sustainable development goals (SDG 3) on health, which Ensures healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages, and especially target 3.8

which seeks to achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.

Our previous interventions have included:

  • Covid-19 response and prevention
  • Maternal and child health program
  • Tropical diseases response program
  • Sexual and Reproductive health rights program

Covid-19 response and prevention

The COVID-19 pandemic has compromised the health of millions, disrupted major economies caused unprecedented restrictions on mobility and left nearly three million migrants stranded on their journeys.

Pandemic preparedness and response arequintessential "global public goods": unless the coronavirus is controlled everywhere, the risk of pandemic resurgence remains In response to the Covid-19 pandemic Focus on Africa Development Inc. has been supporting Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Baidoa, Somalia: In gaining access to personal protective equipment's and hygiene products. Through the provision of Face masks, hand sanitizers and detergents.

FOAD is actively advocating for the provision of appropriate medical oxygen systems and pulse oximeters to IDP settlements in order to improve Covid-19 diagnosis and management among displaced populations.

Maternal and child health program

Children and women face more health challenges in Somalia than in almost any other part of the world, given the fragile and weak health system in the country,

Since our inception as FOAD, we have continued to leverage resources and expertise in support of maternal and child health programs in Somalia. Our initiatives which have mainly focused on internally displaced populations have focused on:

  • i- Building the capacity of traditional birth attendants
  • ii- Education on nutrition
  • iii- Vaccine awareness advocacy

Tropical diseases response program

Every minute three children die of malaria alone, and seven people die of diarrheal diseases. The burden imposed by these diseases, however, extends beyond the sad story of young lives being lost.

They impede the capacity of children to grow and learn, and of young adults to work and raise a family. They stifle efforts for individual, community and national advancement. They sap resources that would otherwise be utilized for improving the human condition.

Conditions that contribute to the risk for becoming infected with a tropical disease agent include biological factors related to population density, rural vs. urban living, nutritional status, climate and other environmental factors, as well as socioeconomic circumstances.

Focus on Africa Development inc. continues to implement programs that:

1) Build the capacity of health systems in the fight against Malaria 2) Provide insecticide treated mosquito nets
3) Address the social, economic and environmental factors that associated with malaria
4) Expand NTD WASH interventions
5) Mainstream behavior change communication
6) Intensify advocacy, coordination and partnership in NTD control and elimination
7) Strengthen monitoring, evaluation, surveillance and research

Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

Vulnerable and marginalized groups such as adolescents, youth, people with disabilities, people living with HIV and AIDS, internally displaced persons and refugees are often excluded from service provision, including SRH.

IDPs and refugees also suffer sexual violence while in camps coupled with limited access to SRH services due to their unavailability

Gender-based violence (GBV) or violence against women and girls (VAWG), is a global pandemic that affects 1 in 3 women in their lifetime

Focus on Africa Development inc. has been supporting initiatives that Enhance Women's Capacity to Prevent and Respond to Gender Based violence

Our programs are designed to:

  • To increase women's awareness on their legal rights.
  • To improve women's knowledge on types and extent of gender-based violence and its consequences.
  • To empower women with information on available services providers for response to gender-based violence
  • To develop adolescent women's skills in sports for improved health, team spirit and self-confidence.

Humanitarian Response

Natural disasters, on average, affect roughly 200 million people each year. Humanitarian crises have become more frequent, more protracted and more complex

Man-made disasters, including armed conflict, forced displacement and refugee crises;

Natural disasters, such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and droughts; and Major infectious disease outbreaks.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed the close link between health and disaster risk reduction

Focus on Africa Development inc. has been working to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response by ensuring greater predictability, accountability, and efficiency

FOADs humanitarian goals include:

  • Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning
  • Disaster resilience and mitigation
  • Promote international principals of protection

In partnership with Muslim Aid, focus on Africa Development inc. through the Ramadan iftar project provided food rations to the neediest in Kibera. The project targeted

  • Women headed households (widows)
  • Households affected by the HIV pandemic
  • Orphans

Pakistan Flood relief

In mid-2010 Pakistan was hit by its worst natural disaster. More than 1750 people are believed to have died, with an estimated 18 million people affected by the floods. The flooding devastated villages across all provinces in Pakistan, and caused massive damage to infrastructure, with roads and bridges swept away.

In partnership with AUSTRALIAN AID INTERNATIONAL (AAI). FOAD took charge of the WASH component of the humanitarian relief efforts in the union councils of Jar and Kenjaar in Sujawal district southern Sindth, in Pakistan.

The project target was met within the time frame. We were able to improve availability and increase access to clean drinking water in 150 villages. This translated to approximately 15,000 people.

We Believe that We can Save More lives with you

Water Sanitation and Hygiene

Providing access to safe water and adequate sanitation .

Environmental Programs

sensitization of Community Groups on clean Environment

Livelihood Development

Building assets and diversifying income is a fundemental step.