The impact of COVID-19 has clearly shown the systemic nature on the risk caused by as biological hazard, that is, a public health disaster which quickly turned into a socio-economic disaster. In addition, it is unfolding on top of various other shocks such as desert locust, fall armyworm (FAW), droughts, floods, storms and conflicts, that severely affect agricultural livelihoods and food systems.
Together these disasters, some linked to or exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, will further worsen the exposure and vulnerabilities of people, systems and economies.

Building assets and diversifying income is a fundamental step in helping poor households and communities move out of poverty and build financial resilience, especially in agricultural communities where crops are prone to weather and pest-related failure. FOAD livelihood support programs continue to have a stronger focus on women's economic empowerment and gender equality.

Women's economic empowerment is essential to reduce poverty and also an important precondition for sustainable development for pro-poor growth.

Agroecological Project

Through the Agroecological project: Focus on Africa Development Inc. supported farmers in Kirinyaga County to improve their livelihoods by increasing their yields in both quantity and quality. And at the same time improving their resilience, Through the introduction and promotion of organic farming and Agroecological practices.
Agroecological farming reduces the environmental impacts of agriculture while meeting the growing demand for food, contributing to landscape quality and biodiversity, and enhancing resilience

This three-year project (2014-2016) in Kenya achieved the following:

  • Ecological restoration of farm lands contaminated by chemical fertilizers
  • Improved quality and quantity of yields
  • Reduced usage of chemical fertilizers
  • Improved farmer's resilience to climate change.
  • To recognize and promote women in their critical role as agricultural producers. In our current operational strategy, we intend to replicate the project in the counties of Kilifi and Kwale under the Swahili Coast Agroecological Project

In our current operational strategy, We intend to replicate the project in the countries of Kilifi and kwale under the Swahili coast Agroecological Project

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We Believe that We can Save More lives with you

Water Sanitation and Hygiene

Providing access to safe water and adequate sanitation .

Environmental Programs

sensitization of Community Groups on clean Environment

Health Care Program

Our guiding is The World Health Organization's definition of health