welcome to Focus On Africa Development Inc.

Creating a fair
and just society

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Hunger is stalking the globe

We are here to support you every step of the way.

Watch us how we take care of everyone

Focus on Africa Development Inc. (FOAD) is an international non-governmental organization that was established in 2007 by Dr. Said Aden, An australian public health specialist of somali origin. With its africa region head quarters in Nairobi, FOAD has since expanded and is operational in Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and has affiliate offices in Australia.

Our Vision

A fair and just society, with responsible and dynamic people working to transform communities for a better world.

Our Mission

To reflect the best of humanity through positive interventions that seek to improve the quality of life for the under privileged in society

Our Values

Pooling resources together in an atmosphere of trust, respect and commitment.
FOAD believes in the human dignity of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized communities and strives to uphold this dignity.
FOAD believes that every human being has a right to decent living conditions punctuated with access to all basic services.


Dr. Said Aden

Director Public health specialist

Ms Nasra Muse

Director FOAD's Gender specialist and women empowerment

Mr Julius Nderitu Njoroge

Regional Coordinator

Mr AbdulKadir Hussein Maalin Marshaale

Public Relations, Networking and Governance Director

Our Strategic Priorities

Focus on Africa Development Inc. is a philanthropic organization that utilizes its varied competencies and skills to assist in the strengthening of both non-profit International humanitarian Organizations and NGOs capacity through both short-term and long-term solutions, and continues to provide new practices and perpectives that contribute towards improvements

FOAD has set out on "Strategic Direction" that articulates the significant and sustainable positive changes we want to become a reality in the lives of marginalized and at-risk communities. Our priority actions are geared towards achieving positive change.

Our Operations

Our operational structure is divided into two distinct departments but inter-related divisions:

  • Development Department
  • solutions Department

Project Implementation

Inter-Related roles & respoinsibilities

Resources Generated by the solutions department through consultancies are utilized by the development department to fund community initiatives identified in our annual strategic plan. While all philanthropic projects implemented by development department are internally monitored and Evaluated by solutions department to ensure efficient use of resources.

Project Implementation Office:

Whose mission is to reflect the best of humanity through positive interventions that seek to improve the quality of life for the under privileged in society. It is the implementing arm of the organization, and is responsible for implementing/delivering community projects which include:

  • Health Care
  • Education
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Environment
  • Livelihood Development
  • humanitarian response

Solutions office

To reflect the best in Business by facilitating innovation, contributing towards research, Knowledge and adopting to emerging challenges


Water Sanitation and Hygiene

Providing access to safe water and adequate sanitation .

Environmental Programs

sensitization of Community Groups on clean Environment

Livelihood Development

Building assets and diversifying income is a fundemental step.

Health Care Program

Our guiding is The World Health Organization's definition of health

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about



raised by 6,388 people in 7 days


volunteer are available to help you


Child Protection Policy

Providing access to safe water and adequate sanitation.

Religious, Political & Welfare activities policy

sensitization of Community Groups on clean Environment

Gender Policy

Building assets and diversifying income is a fundemental step.